Wednesday, April 23, 2008

This Week at Exponential Conference

I am in Orlando with 5 guys from our district and 1 from the EDA. We have had a great time of learning and being challenged by a wide variety of movement thinking from the following leaders: Ed Stetzer, Andy Stanley, Dave Ferguson, Randy Pope, Bob Roberts, Tim Keller, Rick Warren, Alan Hirsh, Neil Cole and whole host of others. Training began on Monday and continues into Thursday afternoon. I will be posting notes from some of the sessions that I have attended. The one thing you will notice is push back to real honest disciplemaking. We have those at this conference who are all about the "gig" of buildings, programs, arts, mailings, marketing, seekers, etc AND we have those of a much simpler persuasion such as house church movement. None has said that their way is the only way, so it has not been an either or conference. It has been eye opening to where we need to head back to. I will be posting not only what most of readily accept, but also insight gleaned from those who may not seem to align with many of us of a very traditional theological persuasion. I do this so that we can understand the extent of dialogue taking place all over this globe.


Allegheny District Named Church-Planting District of the Year


During this conference, our district was announced as the EFCA's Church-Planting District of the year by our National Director, George Klippenes. This is a very humbling thing to me as we have so far yet to go. I feel like it was a low bar, but maybe a pat on the back for how far we have come is in order. As I look at other districts, they have accomplished so much more than us, and I really admire these men. But we did shot hard out of the gate in this first year. Praise God for His graciousness with us.

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