Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Creating a Culture of a Reproducing Church

Creating a Culture of a Reproducing Church

Jon Ferguson & Dave Dummit for notes


  • Launch new service to jumpstart reproduction, create sense of urgency that more people need to experience what we are experiencing. They did it when they still had lots of room in their worship space.


  1. A Reproducing Church Anticipates God at Work
    1. Where is God at work
    2. Where might God be dreaming and wanting to do something also
  2. A Reproducing Church Anticipates Barriers to Reproduction
    1. Organizational Structure
    2. Give campus pastors more responsibilities (not a barrier, but something that enhances)
    3. Cut back on central services, stay systemically and programmatically lean
  3. A Reproducing Church Anticipates the Future
  4. A Reproducing Church Anticipates Rising Talent
    1. Apprentices and raise up leaders to replace leaders in every area of ministry
  5. A Reproducing Church Celebrates the Present
    1. Celebrate new ministry workers
    2. Celebrate changed lives
    3. Do it publically in your worship services
    4. Regularly hold-up your workers…videos, pictures, prayers
    5. Baptisms
    6. Efforts even if they fail…they were willing to take risks. Celebrate risk-taking.
  6. A Reproducing Church Measures Key Things
    1. Christ-followers – are more becoming and growing as followers of Christ?
    2. Leaders (small group potential)
    3. Artists (large group ministry potential)
    4. Small Groups (care and community)
    5. Congregations (measures stewardship of facilities) maximize facility usage
    6. Campuses – multi-site (community impact)


Do you want to be a church that reproduces or do you want to be a reproducing church? Think through the dynamics of difference of these statements.

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